Y’all Need to Leave Ninja Alone
Just a few weeks after Ninja made headlines for slipping and using the n-word, he’s back in the news once again.
It’s actually quite ironic when you think about it. You see, Ninja has decided to not curse on his stream anymore, which has led to a parade of idiots calling him a sellout and other dumb shit like that.
Yes, you read that right. Ninja went from catching flak for saying a racial slur to catching flak for deciding to not curse period. thinking emoji
While it might seem strange that he’s decided to stop swearing on stream, when you see the reasoning behind it, things become much clearer. After he made the change, his wife and manager, JGhosty, decided to set the record straight and just why he did it.
Basically, the man knows his audience. Rather than continuing to cuss like a sailor and possibly lose out on views (and money through subs and tips), he decided to cut that out. Shame on him for making a smart business move! How dare he want to keep his main audience happy and entertained by not playing Fortnite anymore. What’s that you say? Oh, he’s still playing Fortnite but just not cussing? Then what’s the big deal?
The fact that this even an issue and that he or his wife needed to explain this whole thing is pretty ridiculous. Who gives a shit if he decided not to curse on stream anymore? I don’t see where people got this idea that you have to curse for something to be funny. Ninja is a hell of a player who puts on a hell of a show. Some of the shots that he hits are simply ridiculous and I hate him for being so damn good. His appeal goes far beyond the words that he says. Since Ninja isn’t cursing anymore, to all the people giving him flak for this, I’ll say it for him: fuck off.
Before I go, I do want to say something about another thing that I’ve seen a lot of people saying in response to this situation.
“It’s up to the parents to monitor what their kids are watching.”
That is 100% true. BUT.
Fortnite is quite literally the biggest game in the world right now. It is setting viewership records on YouTube, Twitch, and basically every other platform in existence. That means that Fortnite content is just a click away no matter where you are on the internet. A kid could be watching a (insert whatever kids show is all the rage these days) video and easily end up on a Fortnite video with a stray touch of the finger.
So even if a parent is making sure that their kids are watching the right things, they could still end up watching something different (like a Ninja video) without much effort.
Moreover, with Fortnite being so big, with the gameplay being pretty accessible as compared to a game like PUBG, and with it being on damn near every platform imaginable, younger kids are playing it in large numbers. In addition to playing it, they will also want to consume the game in some other form of media (i.e. YouTube and Twitch). Almost every streamer out there has quite the mouth on them. Which is totally fine. I can’t judge. If you’ve read this far, you know that I also have quite the mouth.
But with Ninja making this change, that means that he can continuing growing his audience and his brand. It seems to be working because the same day that he and his wife talked about the change, he got a ridiculous 30,000 subscribers on Twitch in just eight hours. Not to bad if you ask me.
All in all, this is simply another example of people trying to tell others how to live their lives. Ninja can do whatever he pleases with his own stream. Anyone trying to say otherwise just needs to sit the hell down.