4 min readMay 30, 2018
Well, the simple fact that you think there is such thing as “black privilege” shows how misinformed you are about what privilege is and how it comes about (hint: it has to do with the power structure of American society).
But since you took the time to craft this almost 100% false response, I figured I could take the time to give you a response with a bit more merit and truth behind it. So let’s take this line by line.
- I’m guessing that you have not been to the South and have not seen any news coverage about the “rallies” that took place in Charleston and other places last year. If you had seen those things, you would be fully aware of the fact that white supremacists were marching down the streets with weapons and were not prosecuted or arrested. You’re 0/1 already.
- The fact that you think (some, not all because they are some of us that do have wealth despite the odds stacked against us) blacks are poor because they are lazy is inherently racist and quite simply false given that blacks have to work twice as hard to even earn half of what white people make. 0/2.
- Given that most of the wealth in the upper echelons of American society has roots in slavery, simply saying that many whites inherited wealth or achieved wealth at the expense of others is just straight facts. You’re also ignoring the fact that if a black man happens to be wealthy, it’s because (again) he had to work his ass off to overcome the obstacles in his way. It also ignores the fact that wealth does not shield black men from the injustices and prejudice that is a common part of society today. 0/3.
- Hahahahahahaha. You think that a black man wouldn’t be called racist or, even worse, killed for committing a violent crime against another race? That is incredibly naive and, quite simply, hilarious. 0/4.
- Making the implicit assumption that blacks only get into jobs and universities because of affirmative action is insulting to every black person who has to work their asses off to get that job or that spot in college. It also ignores (which is becoming a common theme here) the fact that these systems were put in place to try and give minorities an equal shot at education since their applications might just get tossed aside outright if their name is Jamal or Shaniqua. 0/5.
- I honestly don’t even know what this says. “Having the media cover up your race in the event of a black flash mob or gruesome murder.” No clue. I will say, however, that when it comes to the media, whites get so many breaks it’s ridiculous. If an unarmed black teenager is killed by the police, immediately stories come out about how he had been in legal trouble in the past. If a white teenager shoots up a movie theater and kills dozens of people, stories come out about how he was a bright student and this was such a shock to everyone. 0/6.
- I think you should look at the Twitter feed of our President. Or look at Roseanne Barr. Despite saying extremely questionable things for years, she was still given a TV show on a major network. Only when she compared a black person to a monkey did they finally step in and fire her. White people say insanely terrible things about blacks on a daily basis and get off Scott free. There’s a saying about throwing stones in glass houses. You should look it up. 0/7.
- When a person is arrested without cause and are black, I hate to break it to you, but it was because they’re black. No one is saying that black criminals are only arrested because they’re black. If you’re a criminal, you should be subject to the criminal justice system (which, by the way, does treat blacks much different than whites, but that’s a whole different issue). It’s when innocent people are arrested for simply having a business meeting in a Starbucks that a problem arises. 0/8.
- Much like the first item on your list, I think you need to broaden your horizons a bit. There are plenty of websites and groups (cough KKK cough) that exist solely to “preserve and promote” white culture. There’s another saying about pots and kettles. You should look it up. 0/9.
- Ooh boy. This one takes the cake honestly. It’s astonishing that so many people believe that blacks simply use racism as a “get out of jail” card and act as though racism isn’t a real thing that oppresses the black race on a daily basis. The fact that so many whites feel this way is quite simply a defensive mechanism used to ignore the real problem of racism because talking about it is too hard. 0/10.
- To respond to your other comment below about crimes against other races, you are actually in the wrong, factually speaking. According to a study from the DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, the majority of crimes are committed against a person’s own race. Now, it’s true that 15 percent of crimes committed against whites are committed by blacks compared to 11 percent of crimes committed against blacks being committed by whites. When you actually think about that statistic instead of just running with the numbers, however, it paints a different picture. According to the 2017 Census, there are an estimated 250 million white people in America. There are only 43 million black people, however. So despite there being over 200 million less black people in the country, whites somehow managed to only commit four percent fewer crimes against black people. Then when you figured that white people outnumber black people almost 5-to-1, statistically speaking, it’s not surprising that they would commit more crimes against whites. 0/11.