Wyatt Donigan
4 min readNov 29, 2017


Guys. It finally happened. After having to settle for grainy cellphone footage from Comic Con, we now have our first look at Avengers: Infinity War in glorious HD. While the wait was agonizing, it was well worth it as this trailer is jam-packed with hot and spicy superhero action that makes me long for May 4 to roll around.

I’m not going to with a scene-by-scene breakdown of the whole trailer, but I will throw up some key screenshots/gifs and talk about how giddy some of them make me.

All my gifs are courtesy of io9 because I’m a pleb and have no clue how to make nice gifs yet.

Oh, the cosmic coincidence of comic books. We know that Hulk was last seen in Thor: Ragnarok as the big green guy. This means that while Thor serendipitously lands on Star Lord’s ship, Hulk found himself in Doctor Strange’s house. I love comic books.


While this scene looks touching enough given the history between these two, I’m more wondering how they all ended up Wakanda. We know that Bucky has been chilling there with my man T’Challa, but I wonder why the rest show up there. Hopefully we get a peak at that in the after credits scene of Black Panther. (I wrote this before my realization down below where I piece together why they’re there)

Loki, we trusted you!

Welp, guess it’s time for Thor to go back to calling Loki adopted given that it looks like he’s the reason Thanos will end up with the Space Stone that’s contained within the Tesseract.

Sweet baby Jesus.

“Get this man a shield.” Get that man a bear is more like it. Can we just take a minute to admire the specimen that is Chris Evans with a beard? Hot damn.

All the fighting.

Well that gigantic pillar landing in Wakanda certainly is why we’ve got so many Avengers there. io9 pointed out in their breakdown that the final Infinity Stone that we’ve yet to see is rumored to be located in Wakanda, which makes all of this make sense. T’Challa hears what Thanos is doing, making him make a connection to an ancient Wakandan artifact that doubles as the Soul Stone, which brings everyone to the party. Ooh! What if the Heart-Shaped Herb that gives T’Challa his Black Panther goodness contains the Soul Stone, which checks out given that most of the Stones we’ve seen thus far have been contained inside something else. I could be way off, but maybe I’m on to something.


I was wondering how Thanos would acquire the Mind Stone. Looks like he will quite literally have his minions rip it out of Vision’s head.

*Ebony & Ivory plays in the background*

YESSSSSS. It brings me so much joy to see my favorite comic character getting down with one of my best friend’s favorite character. Then you add in the Wakandan army behind him and I have just lost any shit I had left after the first two minutes of this trailer.


THIS. SHOT. Every Avengers trailer so far has had one of these moments that just gives you chills. Avengers had the rotating shot of the team in the middle of New York getting ready for battle. Age of Ultron had the shot of the team in the snow jumping into battle with their hero poses. Now we have this one. I’ve literally had chills writing this entire paragraph. Especially cause it puts Black Panther in such a prime position with the rest of these heroes. Then you add in Bucky, Cap (who is one of my other best friend’s favorite characters), Hulk, Black Widow, War Machine, Okoye, AND the Wakandan army. I‘m actually writing this all from the afterlife because I am dead.

While this trailer didn’t really give us a ton of information outside what we knew going in, it was amazing to see the start of this… I just noticed in the gif above that Cap has what looks like some sort of Vibranium contraption on his arms. Five bucks says that’s going to turn into a new, all-black shield at some point in the movie.

Anyways, it’s great to see all these characters finally coming together for one epic showdown. This arc has been 10 years in the making and the payoff is about to be immense.



Wyatt Donigan
Wyatt Donigan

Written by Wyatt Donigan

Calling it like I see it on culture, sports, video games, and everything in between.

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